Programming languages : concepts and constructs

Sethi, Ravi :

Programming languages : concepts and constructs - 2nd Edition. - New Delhi : Addison Wesley Longman., 1996. - xv, 640 p. : illustrations ;

Included Index.

I. Introduction. 1. The Role of Programming Languages. 2. Language Description: Syntactic Structure --
II. Imperative Programming. 3. Statements: Structured Programming. 4. Types: Data Representation. 5. Procedure Activations --
III. Object-oriented Programming. 6. Groupings of Data and Operations. 7. Object-oriented Programming --
IV. Functional Programming. 8. Elements of Functional Programming. 9. Functional Programming in a Typed Language. 10. Functional Programming with Lists --
V. Other Paradigms. 11. Logic Programming. 12. An Introduction to Concurrent Programming --
VI. Language Description. 13. Semantic Methods. 14. Static Types and the Lambda Calculus. 15. A Look at Some Languages.

Programming Languages: Concepts and Constructs, Second Edition retains the "character" of the original, emphasizing concepts and how they work together. This classic book has been thoroughly revised to provide readable coverage of the major programming paradigms. Dr. Sethi's treatment of the core concepts of imperative programming in languages like Pascal and C flows smoothly into object-oriented programming in C++

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