Java structures : data structures in Java for the principled programmer

Bailey, Duane A. :

Java structures : data structures in Java for the principled programmer - Boston : WCB McGraw-Hill, 1999. - xiii, 369 p. : illustrations ;

Included Index.

The object-oriented method; comments, conditions and assertions; vectors - the extensible array; tools for design; sorting; lists; informal design concepts; linear structures; iterators; ordered structures; trees; priority queues; search trees; dictionaries; graphs; Java access protections; principles; structure package hierarchy.

This is a compact introduction to the design and implementation of traditional data structures using the Web-oriented language, Java. All code used in the text has been fully implemented, tested and is error-free. Numerous exercises are also included.

0071160914 9780071160919

Java (Computer program language)
Data structures (Computer science)

005.133 / BAI

© University of Vavuniya
