Teach yourself ANSI C++ in 21 days

Liberty, Jesse.

Teach yourself ANSI C++ in 21 days - Premier ed. - Indianapolis, Ind. : Sams Pub., c1996. - xxiv, 848 p. : illustrations ;

œev. ed. of: Teach yourself C++ in 21 days. c1994. Includes index.

1. Getting Started --
2. The Parts of a Program --
3. Variables and Constants --
4. Expressions and Statements --
5. Functions --
6. Basic Classes --
7. More Program Flow --
8. Pointers --
9. References --
10. Advanced Functions --
11. Arrays --
12. Inheritance --
13. Multiple Inheritance --
14. Special Classes and Functions --
15. Advanced Inheritance --
16. Streams --
17. The Preprocessor --
18. Creating Reusable Code --
19. Templates --
20. Exceptions and Error Handling --
21. Working with Multiple Files for Large Programs --
22. Coding Styles and Idioms --
23. More About Streams --
24. Object-Oriented Design --
25. Data Structures --
26. Simple Sorting and Searching Algorithms --
27. Common Mistakes and Basic Debugging --
28. What's Next? --
App. A Operator Precedence --
App. B C++ Keywords --
App. C Binary and Hexadecimal --
App. D Answers.

Intended for non-technical people, this is a 21-day tutorial on learning ANSI/ISO C++, a popular programming language. It focuses on the new ANSI/ISO C++ standard, and includes seven additional days that present the reader with other topics relevant to C++ programming.

0672308878 9780672308871

C++ (Computer program language)

005.133 / LIB

© University of Vavuniya
