Systems programming

Donovan, John J. :

Systems programming - New York, McGraw-Hill 1991. - xviii, 488 p. :

Included Index.

P.1 Background --
P.2 Machine structure, machine language, and assembly language --
P.3 assemblers --
P.4 Macro language and mthe macro processor --
P.5 Loaders --
P.6 Programming languages --
P.7 Formal systems and programming languages : an introduction --
P.8 Compilers --
P.9 Operating systems.

The book covers material contained in several courses of curriculum 68 as described by the association of computing machimery (acm). This text is self-sufficient in that there are enough details for 370 and pl/i to support the rest of material and it will be useful for graduate students as well as professionals . In addition to discussing the traditional system components of assemblers and macros, the book gives special emphasis to important features of systems programming presently not covered in many texts-compilers, the advanced problems of storage allocation, recursion, operating systems, and i/o programming.

9780074604823 0074604821 0070176035 9780070176034

Systems programming (Computer science)
Computer programming)

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