Trade and economic development : India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh

Sood, Krishnalekha ;

Trade and economic development : India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh - New Delhi ; Newbury Park, Calif. : Sage Publications, 1989. - 228 p. ;

Included Bibliography, Index.

General Economic Indicators--
Evolution of Foreign Trade Policies--
Regional Trade in the Global Context--
Regional Economic Cooperation--

Trade and Economic Development studies the recent developments in international economic relations through a detailed examination of three South Asian countries--India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. The author presents the general economic indicators of the three countries and compares them to global indexes. The salient features of each country2s economy, particularly trade and industrial performance, are examined. With an outline of these countries2 developmental policies, resource bases, export potential, and import needs, Krishnalekha Sood discusses the potential of existing mechanisms for regional economic cooperation.

0803996187 (U.S.) 9780803996182 8170361605 (India) 9788170361602


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