Schaum's Outline Of Theory and Problems of Numerical Analysis

Scheid, Francis

Schaum's Outline Of Theory and Problems of Numerical Analysis - 2nd - New York McGraw Hill 1989. - 471 pages : illustrations ; - Schaum's outline series., Schaum's outline series in mathematics. .

Includes Index

What is numerical analysis? --
The collocation polynomial --
Finite differences --
Factorial polynomials --
Summation --
The Newton formula --
Operators and collocation polynomials --
Unequally spaced arguments --
Splines --
Osculating polynomials --
The Taylor polynomial --
Interpolation --
Numerical differentiation --
Numerical integration --
Gaussian integration --
Singular integrals --
Sums and series --
Difference equations --
Differential equations --
Differentials problems of higher order --
Least-squares polynomial approximation --
Min-max polynomial approximation --
Approximation by rational functions --
Trigonometric approximation --
Nonlinear algebra --
Linear systems --
linear programming --
Overdetermined systems --
Boundary value problems --
Monte Carlo methods.

If you want top grades and thorough understanding of numerical analysis, this powerful study tool is the best tutor you can have! It takes you step-by-step through the subject and gives you accompanying related problems with fully worked solutions. You also get additional problems to solve on your own, working at your own speed. (Answers at the back show you how you're doing.) Famous for their clarity, wealth of illustrations and examples--and lack of dreary minutiae--Schaum's Outlines have sold more than 30 million copies worldwide. This guide will show you why!

9780070552210 0070552215 9780070991347 0070991340,

Numerical analysis -- Problems, exercises, etc.
Numerical analysis.

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© University of Vavuniya
