The Concise Guide to Auditing Standards and Guidelines

Dodge, Roy

The Concise Guide to Auditing Standards and Guidelines - Chapman and Hall, London: 1990 - xix, 217 p.

Includes index

Part 1 Introductory framework: explanatory foreword; applicability to the public sector; fraud and other illegal acts; the auditors operational standard. Part 2 Audit and practice management: quality control; professional independence; engagement letters; groups - reliance on other auditors; planning, controlling and recording. Part 3 Systems audit: accounting systems; internal control; reliance on internal audit; sales and purchases cycles: Part 4 Obtaining audit evidence: audit evidence; audit sampling; auditing in a computer environment; analytical review; reliance on other specialists; bank reports for audit purposes; attendance at stocktaking; reports to management. Part 5 Audit completion: review of financial statments; the auditor's considerations in respect of going concern; amounts derived from preceding financial statements; fianancial information with audited fianancial statements; events after the balance sheet date; reports to management. Part 6 Audit reports: audit reports. Part 7 Specialized areas charities: trade unions and employers' associations; housing associations; the impact of regulations on public sector audist; prospectuses and the reporting accountant.

Based on official APC statements, this book aims to summarise all the key points in each of the statements in the annual handbook on auditing and reporting published by the Institute.

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