Bird Census Techniques

Bird Census Techniques - 2nd edition. - London ; San Diego : Academic, c2000. - xvi, 302 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm

Previous ed.: 1992.

Purpose and design in counting birds --
Census errors --
Territory mapping methods --
Line transects --
Point counts and point transects --
Relative measures for bird communities in habitats with high species richness --
Catching and marking --
Counting individual species --
Counting colonial nesting, flocking and migrating birds --
Distribution studies --
Description and measurement of bird habitat.

"This book provides a concise guide to the various census techniques and to the opportunities and pitfalls which each entails. The common methods are described in detail, and illustrated through an abundance of diagrams showing examples of actual and theoretical census studies. Anyone planning a census of birds in the wild should be able to select the method best suited to the study in hand, and apply it to best effect within the limits inherent in it and the constraints of the particular study."--Jacket.

0120958317 9780120958313

Bird populations

598.07232 / BIR

© University of Vavuniya
