Plantation forestry in the tropics : the role, silviculture, and use of planted forests for industrial, social, environmental, and agroforestry purposes

Evans, Julian,

Plantation forestry in the tropics : the role, silviculture, and use of planted forests for industrial, social, environmental, and agroforestry purposes - 3rd Edition. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2004. - xiii, 467 p. : illustrations ;

The tropics --
Defining a plantation --
Tropical plantation species --
Why plantations? --
Factors favouring plantation development --
Planted forest in tropical countries --
Development of plantation forestry --
Present status of plantations in the tropics --
Plantation organization and structure --
Plantation organization --
Plantation characteristics --
Plantation design --
Plantation life-history --
Plantation monitoring --
Land, social and economic factors, and planning in plantation development --
Land and plantation development --
Resource management domains --
Land capability --
Land-use --
Obtaining land for plantation development, encouraging tree-planting and extension --
Social and economic factors in tree-planting and plantation development --
Factors affecting the scale and rate of planting and plantation development --
Social and cultural effects of plantation development --
The contribution of planted forests to the economies and rural development in the tropics --
Planning the plantation enterprise --
Policy planning at international and national levels --
Planning in large projects --
Planning for small-scale tree-planting --
Plantation silviculture --
What to plant? --
Purpose of the plantation --
Species potentially available --
Matching species with site --
Making the choice --
Seed collection, supply, and storage --
Seed quality --
Quantity of seed needed --
Seed certification, records, and dispatch procedures --
Seed procurement --
Seed storage --
Packaging and transport of seed. Seed supply and trade problems --
Forst nurseries --
Planning forest nurseries --
Nursery location and design --
Preparation of seed --
Time of sowing --
The container system --
Raising bare-rooted seedlings --
Care, protection, and conditioning of seedlings --
Quality control, dispatch, and transport of plants --
Clonal plantations --
Development of clonal plantations --
Vegetative propagation methods --
Clonal deployment --
Small-scale clonal plantings --
Role of molecular genetics in clonal forestry --
Plantation establishment --
Pre-establishment essentials --
Ground preparation --
Planting --
Special forms of establishment --
Plantation maintenance --
Immediate post-planting problems --
Weed control --
Staking --
Tree shelters --
Singling --
Respacing --
Low pruning --
Nutrition of tree crops --
Nutrient deficiencies --
Use of fertilizers --
Maintaining soil fertility without using mineral fertilizer --
Nutrient toxicity --
Dynamics of stand growth --
Periodicity and pattern in growth of individual trees --
Stand growth is dynamic --
Physiological basis of stand development --
Silvicultural implications --
Selective pruning --
Thinning --
Definition and objectives --
Experience with thinning in the tropics --
Effects of thinning --
Methods of thinning --
Thinning and wood quality --
Thinning decisions --
Thinning practice and control --
High prunning --
Need to prune --
Production of knot-free timber --
Timing and intensity of high pruning --
Economics of pruning --
Pruning practice. Rotations, regeneration, and coppice --
Rotation length --
First rotation harvesting and preparation for the next rotation: silvicultural considerations --
Natural regeneration --
Plantation species as invasives --
Coppice --
Protection-an introduction --
Inorganic and man-made damage --
Organic damage --
Salvaging a damaged crop --
Protection strategy --
Tree-planting and plantation forestry: in rural development, soil conservation, rehabilitation, environmental considerations, and sustainability --
Tree-planting in rural development and agroforestry --
Woodlots --
Trees with crops --
Trees and livestock --
Trees planted for other purposes --
Protective afforestation --
Urgency of protective afforestation in the tropics --
Protective role of tree cover --
Implementing programmes of protective afforestation --
Management and silviculture in protection planting --
Tree planting for ecosystem rehabilitation and restoration --
Degradation and rehabilitation --
Management strategies --
Species selection --
Site management practices --
Afforestation of inhospitable sites --
What makes sites inhospitable? --
Silvicultural challeng of inhospitable sites --
Ecological factors and sustainability of plantations --
Biodiversity in plantation forestry --
Eucalypt environmental controversy --
Sustainability of plantations --
Site change induced by plantation forestry --
Risk exposed to plantations --
Evidence of productivity change --
Withinrotation yield class/site quality drift --
Intervention to sustain yield.

This new edition presents an up-to-date assessment of current developments in planting trees in tropical regions, whether the principal motivation is economic or social. Issues such as engaging with stakeholders & sustainable management are addressed, & a historical context is provided.

0198529945 (hbk.) 9780198529941 0198509472 (pbk.) 9780198509479

Tree farms
Forests and forestry

634.9 / EVA

© University of Vavuniya
